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Art in public space

Verderkijker on the dike near Sauwerd, 2023

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Commissioned by the Kunstvloed Foundation. My proposal for a sculpture has been selected as one of five sculptures for temporary placement along the walking route at Sauwerd as part of the art manifestation Kunstvloed. Height of the Verderkijker is 1.68 m.

Coffee lady in Skulpturenpark am Damm in Rees, 2023

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My Coffee Lady (1.45 m high) has been selected for a sculpture park in Rees, Germany, just across the border from Nijmegen. With a €5000 subsidy from the municipality of Tynaarlo, the statue was cast in neolith and will be in the Skulpturenpark am Damm for 2 years.

Procession Berend Botje Return, September 29, 2017

Artworks made in Tallinn, in collaboration with Kitty Boon, Gea Koopman, Nils Hint, Fred Truus, Reet Reidak and Nick Ireys, commissioned by Buog in the context of Zuidlaren cultural capital of Drenthe. The eight works of art depict eight awards that the Drenthe naval hero Lodewijk van Heiden alias Berend Botje earned in his lifetime:  the St. Wladimir Order  1st class, the Alexander Nevsky Order with Diamonds, the Order of the Sword, the Order of the White Eagle, the Military William Order, the Order of the Redeemer, the Order of the Bath and the Order of Francis I 1st class. With these eight works of art we have brought the soul of Berend Botje back to his native village Zuidlaren and thus give him a  lap of honor in the village.

Van luier tot lijkwade, 2010

Een installatie in de natuurtuin van het gemeentehuis van Tynaarlo te Vries. De installatie is 6 meter hoog en 60 meter lang en mocht een half jaar blijven staan. Het is een ode aan de langzaamaan verdwijnende waslijn op het platteland. De was aan deze waslijn verbeeldt de levensloop van de mens in kleding: van luier via baby- en kinderkleding, volwassenen- en bejaardenkleding tot aan de laatste dracht, de lijkwade. Meer foto's onder werk/installaties.

De waslijn en het wasgoed zijn 2,5 x zo groot als normaal, alles precies op schaal. De vrouw die deze kleding zou passen, is dus zo'n 4.25 meter lang en de BH past bij een borstomvang van 185 cm. Een samenwerking met Kitty Boon en Eline Krottje.

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The Archive of the Skills, 2010

Community art in the town hall of Tynaarlo. A collaboration with Eline Krottje and Kitty Boon. The project consists of a sound fragment in which the listener (m/f) is asked what he can do well in everyday life. To help him determine his thoughts, five types of people are outlined, each with their own kind of talents. These five types are illustrated with a photo on a postcard. On that card the listener could fill in: I can do very well.... The completed cards together form an archive of everyday talents. The Archive of the Skills has now been included in the archive of the municipality of Tynaarlo.


Self-reflection with a wink: listen to the text and fill in a card of your choice:

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